JUF has made all of its granting commitments for programs that run through August 2024. Any funding requests for programs that take place after August 2024 must be submitted no later than July 15, 2024, pursuant to the grant guidelines below.
Submitting organizations must:
▪ Be classified as a 501(c)(3) by the Internal Revenue Service
▪ Submit its most recent tax return and financial statement, audited if available
▪ Demonstrate the ability to successfully administer the program and accomplish measurable goals and objectives
▪ Present a compelling need for the program
▪ Present a written program plan that demonstrates the program's successful execution
▪ Present a budget
▪ Present an evaluation of the program after the grant term is over
▪ Submit the names and contact information of key leaders and staff responsible for implementing and managing the program
▪ Complete "Stewards of Children," a 2.5-hour child sexual abuse prevention training program conducted by the Memphis Child Advocacy Center (memphiscac.org/prevention/stewards-of-children)
Proposed programs must:
▪ Support and align with JUF's vision statement
▪ Serve youth and provide long-term, measurable benefits to the participants
▪ Bear the name Jay Uiberall
▪ Be a new program
General grant application information:
▪ Grants are made for a 1-year period.
▪ Organizations may reapply for subsequent years.
▪ Typical funding ranges from $10,000 to $28,000.
▪ Initial requests should be no more than a one-page general overview. If the program is selected for consideration, a full grant proposal will be requested.
Before making a grant request, please submit a one-page proposal to:
Michael Uiberall, President, Jay Uiberall Foundation, by email (mduiberall@gmail.com) or to the mailing address below.